This comparison is grounded by the spate of resignations of Coalition members from Malcolm Turnbull’s front bench after he survived a leadership spill two days ago. At present 12 members have relinquished their positions.
The Liberal party has been divided since Turnbull’s decision to support the Rudd Government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS). Turnbull has vigorously defended his position as leader, lashing out at those who don’t support his decision.
Former Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing Tony Abbott and Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey are favourites to take the leadership of the party, however Hockey has said that he will only run if Turnbull has resigned. Hockey has frequently stated that he supports Turnbull,
The party is bitterly divided over the human contribution to global warming, with the leader of the Liberals in the Senate Nick Minchin not sharing Turnbull’s views that action needs to be taken. Minchin was one of the twelve to resign from a front bench position.
Could this be the sign of an imminent split in the party? As several members plan a second leadership spill it may not be long until we know. As it is often said a week is a long time in politics, and this weekend may not hold up either.
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