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Friday, November 27, 2009

The Development of the CPRS – Part Six: Emission Targets Around the World

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The Labor Government’s targets in its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme have been described as being too little by some and too much by others given Australia’s small contribution to global emissions. Some Liberal party members have commented that the targets are premature and at the moment “unilateral”, and that the CPRS legislation should be deferred until after the Copenhagen Summit next month.

But at the moment, what are the proposed emission reduction targets of the other countries, states and organisations around the world? How do these compare with Australia’s targets? The below grid compiled by this blog’s author compares some (20) of the world’s targets, including draft legislation for the US state of California, which has already created a scheme ahead of the US federal government. California’s program is expected to begin in 2012. Also of interest is new Zealand’s scheme, which has already passed its parliament.

By 2012

By 2020

Per Capita By 2020

By 2050

Australia 108% of 2000 levels. (2013 is 107% of 2000 levels.) 4-14% below 1990 levels, or 25% with an international agreement. 34-41% below 1990 levels. 60% below 1990 levels.
California (US State) -- Equal to/lower than 1990 levels. (Guaranteed – part of state law) -- --
Canada 6% below 1990 levels when Kyoto was ratified, however present minority Government opposes this and says it will not meet this target. KYOTOplus:
25% decrease on 1990 levels.
-- --
China IN 2010:
20% cut in energy intensity on 2005 levels. Reduce energy usage by one fifth.
Carbon dioxide emissions cut by 40-45%. (15% renewable energy) -- ((Not yet committed to a half reduction in world emissions by 2050
Denmark -- 20% reduction on 1990 levels. -- --
European Union -- 20-30% below 1990 levels 24-34% below 1990 levels 60-80% below 1990 levels.
France Already met Kyoto targets. 30% reduction on 1990 levels. (20% renewable energy.) -- “Fourfold” reduction on 1990 levels.
Germany 21% reduction on 1990 levels. (Already met.) 36% below 1990 levels. -- --
Japan Aiming to be in line with Kyoto. -- -- --
Kyoto Protocol 5.2% of 1990 levels. This is a different amount for each signatory. -- -- --
New Zealand -- 10-20% below 1990 levels. -- --
Norway -- 40% below 1990 levels. -- --
Regional Greenhou-se Gas Initiative (US states and provinces) -- 10% below 1990 levels. -- --
(Scotland – under jurisdiction of UK parliament) -- (40% of energy from renewable sources. Other targets are set by UK.) -- --
South Korea -- 30% lower than predicted (4% lower than 2005 levels.) -- (20% renewable energy.)
Sweden Already met Kyoto targets. 20% below 1990 levels. -- --
Switzerland -- 20% reduction on 1990 levels. -- --
United Kingdom 20% less on 1990 levels, however acknowledges that it may fall 4% short. Government estate carbon neutral. 26-32% below 1990 levels (Old info?) 24-34% below 1990 levels. (Old info?) 80% below 1990 levels/60% decrease on present levels.
United States (Proposed before Obama became President) -- 1990 levels. 17% reduction in industry on 2005 levels. 25% below 1990 levels. 80% below 1990 levels. 83% reduction in industry on 2005 levels.
Western Climate Initiative (US State alliance) -- 15% lower than 2005 levels. -- --
(Note: Targets may change)

Missed any? Please post a response with your addition.


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