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Friday, June 26, 2009

On A Friday: Pacman ate my Homework

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This week’s On A Friday is one for the wall:


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Friday, June 19, 2009

Windows 7 Beta 1: 7 Up

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7 Up CloseupYesterday I logged into Windows 7 to be met with a sad message: “This pre-release version of Windows 7 Ultimate will expire in 14 days. Back up your files, and then install any released edition of Windows.”

Alas, the Beta which has been faster and more stable than my Vista installation will expire soon. All is not lost however, I will be updating to Windows 7 Release Candidate 1 which will be valid until well into next year – after the scheduled release of the finished operating system to consumers. I will be reporting on my experiences with the Release Candidate in the coming months.

To bring followers of this blog up-to-date with my roaming in Beta 1, I have compiled a selection of screenshots that give a pretty good indication of what is to come in Windows 7, and some of the less glorious moments of the Beta. Enjoy.

Counting? There are 75 of them!

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