A new Labor party election campaign was launched this morning, focusing on the words and actions of Liberal leader Tony Abbott.
The campaign takes the form of a website, www.abbottfacts.com.au. The website takes articles from Australia’s major papers and the words of Tony Abbott himself and presents them as evidence for statements against Mr. Abbott.
These statements cover topics including Mr. Abbott being “out of touch with Australian families” and supporting the return of “the worst elements of WorkChoices”.There is also a section which looks at the “divided” Liberal party that Mr. Abbott leads.
Subscribers to the Labor Party mailing list were today sent a email from Labor National Secretary Karl Bitar, who authorised the website. In the email Mr. Bitar described the project as “a website where you can see all the facts about Tony Abbott for yourself.” Bitar also publicised the website in an article on the Australian Labor Blog.
The website has been met with some opposition by Labor supporters, with no positive comments being left on Mr. Bitar’s blog post. One commenter goes as far as to say that Labor has “nothing new to offer because [the party is]starting to attack the opposition” and that the approach is “how the last election was LOST”.
As at time of publication, there has been no formal reply regarding the website on the Liberal Party website.
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